Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts

Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK - celebrate and be thankful!

I am glad to be celebrating this holiday.

I spent the time with my sons and had a great discussion about MLK. They were upset as we watched the footage of good people being hosed and having dogs attack them in the 60's.

My son told me he couldn't believe that teachers aren't teaching these things in school. When teachers teach civil rights they fail to mention the KKK, the hoses, the dogs, the continuing discrimination, the backs of buses, and the country just terrorizing black people. It seems as if the teachers want the kids to believe that it took a few marches to get things going.

I told my son that when I went to school all I learned about was good ol' George Washington and his cherry tree and Chris Columbus and his boats.

I then asked my kids if they knew the leading job for african-american women was up until the 70's.... they said office work. I said no - it was day's work or better known as maid. Yes, just ask your relatives how many of them or their mom's was a maid or mammy - it was ok for them to underpay us to clean their toilets and raise their kids - but then again, who would hire us?

Yes, although Lincoln, Kennedy and of course Martin made some strides toward seeing that we are all viewed as equal... we just weren't treated as such for many years.

This is why we must remember not only today but everyday - who we are, where we come from and what direction we need to be moving in.

We must tell our family, our kids, cousins, siblings, and so on that things are not nearly as bad as they were but we must always continue to work hard for what we want, stop shopping like maniacs for stuff we cannot afford, help each other out, support each other, be positive and keep our heads up.

Although it seems as if the struggle is over - it isn't. Many of our people live in sub-standard housing, have far less income than other races, are in debt more than other races, are less educated and have limited skills.

This is why as parents we must buy our kids books, puzzles, and keep the computer service on. Not blind our kids with nonsense like drugs, fighting, BET and exposing them to bad influences.

School does teach but we must also step up and teach, lead and discipline our babies.

Although I have been in Obama's camp since the very beginning. I am no longer feeling the excitement.

I think I just see too many people thinking that - ok, he is in the White House and he will save us. Or, we did it and then go back to their old routine.

No. He will not be able to save us from the bad cops, the discriminating employers or the neighborhoods that don't want us to move into them.

But what we can do is like Obama said - get involved. Coach a little league, teach a class, volunteer, take a second job, cut back on your spending, show your little ones how to save, give blood, visit your relatives more, etc.

Stop waiting for someone to hand you a piece of cheese! Be active and get your own! Be a part of the world, learn it, study it and grow. Take care of you and yours and if you don't like something complain - loud and in writing!

Like MLK did - let the world know about it!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My First Blog (who-hoo)!!

I'm not a great writer. But recently I've been feeling like I want to get out my thoughts on various topics.

If you are reading this, then please feel free to jump in and share your thoughts on anything. I welcome all thoughts, ideas and comments.

About myself - well, all I'll share for now is that I'm a very open-minded person. I wish the world would share my feelings for being respectful, kind, and being a positive influence in the world.

Recently with the presidential campaigns, I've encountered many bigoted comments about Obama. Hard to believe that in the year 2008, we still have people that wouldn't consider voting for this man - just because of the color of his skin.

Anyways, I will try to post frequently, I hope you will stop by and share too.

'til next time...