Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I hate taking pills. The biotin I've been taking since late December is no exception. It is a capsule so it does make it easier to swallow. But for the past 3 weeks I've been slacking off. Just taking my pill a few times a week instead of daily.

Now, I started taking biotin because I've heard rave reviews about it. How everyone's hair is stronger, thicker and growing.

But for the month of March, I just felt that my hair isn't thriving. And I slacked off of my regular daily usage.

But as I am typing this, I am peeping at my nails and see the difference. I always keep my nails short and trimmed. But not only do I have some growth, my nails feel strong.

I'm not really a nail person but this is great. Maybe there is hope for my hair (yes, I'm feeling anxious again).

Also, I can't cop out now. I also have read that actually seeing biotin do its thing may take 3-4 months.

So I guess I'll be getting back to taking it daily.

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