Sunday, June 7, 2009

Product Review - Bath & Body Works - White Citrus

Wow - Bath & Body Works knows how to keep me coming back for more. How dare they make me change my favorite scents so often.

Well, Gabby who represents Bath and Body Works, forwarded me White Citrus. This is part of their Signature Collection. Once again, thank you Gabby for checking my blog! Its great to have the companies pay attention to the consumers.

To give you an idea of what this smells like - this is what is listed for the scent: crisp lemon, grapefruit, waterlily and ginger flower.

What I have to add: is this is a must have!! White Citrus is my latest love!!

This is a crisp, light, and fresh fragrance. This is such a smooth smelling scent that you can wear it everywhere - for work or for an evening out.

It is the perfect scent because its not overwhelming but I still can feel like I'm wearing a scent.

The Bath & Body Works scents are my absolute favorite because it actually puts me in a mood for the whole day. When I drag myself out of bed in the morning, I use the shower gel which is a great mix of suds and scent and follow with a light lotion. Like I've mentioned in previous reviews - it enhances my mood instantly and peps me up. I have no problem running out the door.

Even though I lead a pretty routine day, these scents keep me going all day. And without having to sneak in the ladies' room and reapplying like I've done with other brands.

Also, in most workplaces - it is frowned upon to come to work heavily scented. These scents are enhancing and not 'loud' in the least.

What I love about B&BW products is that you can buy your scents for many purposes. They have smaller sizes which are great for traveling or carrying in your purse, larger sizes for home use, shower gels, anti-bacterial soap, room sprays, and diffusers.

So if you are looking for a light crisp scent, need to get a gift for a grad or bridal shower gift - do yourself a favor and check out White Citrus!

For more information on this particular scent, please check out the following link -


Dwana said...

I did not see this in the store! Urgh It was probably sitting right in my face, too. IF there were any left :( Rolls eyes

just my take said...

yep - its in the store. they are having a great sale so they probably were sold out.