Saturday, January 17, 2009

well, i'm off the ledge.....

yes, I've decided to come off the ledge and stop feeling sorry for myself.

after my last posting and numerous hair evaluations - i've held off on doing anything drastic such as grabbing the relaxer kit.

i had to refocus my thinking.

i had to realize that i want healthy hair. whether long or short. that is the goal.

i then checked a number of other hair blogs and realized that the sistas who have went from perm to natural... it took a while for them to get health and length. almost 2 years. the same with the stretchers - they didnt get the growth overnight.

so far i have 3 months in, so i kind of need to grow up and realize that the damage i did (the neglect more than anything) i will have to deal with and it will take time for the vitamins, water, rest, new hair regimen, diet, silk scarves, satin pillows, and everything else I've been doing to start to kick in!

any comments or ideas - hit me up...

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