Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hair Update - Looking back a year ago

I started my blog last year with the idea of sharing my thoughts and ideas. I had hoped to not only write about my hair but to also bring up topics like politics, movies, etc.

But since I took on a new job as of early this year, I realized that I cannot discuss a lot of topics I would like. I am way too jaded, biased and leery to write about government and politics (at this time). As far as movies, I watch plenty and don't have the time to get my thoughts down.

So since I became really intrigued about my incoming natural hair, I thought I would focus on my hair and experience with transitioning. This was a huge step for me. I had my first relaxer at age 19, my last relaxer was at age 41. So I literally had to reacquaint myself to doing my own hair.

You see, even though I dont have pics up and post regularly, I am really trying to share my true honest opinion of what I am experiencing with my hair. If I get a product from a p.r. firm, I post that. If I make a purchase, I post that also.

I also do not post too often because I try to give products a chance to work. I don't want to share bad information. If I shampoo one evening and I didn't care for the shampoo, I can't share that right away. I may have been too tired to have really formed a decent opinion. So I really try to use a product a few times to get the best results and then I share.

I just looked at my earlier posts of my transitioning and saw how far I have come. Along with fighting off my urge to relax my hair, I did know to increase the conditioners but I still would sit under the dryer.

I now do things I never thought I would, like wash and go's. Although I loved the results of other sisters that would do this, I NEVER thought I would run out the door with drippy hair. I NEVER thought I would purchase something as pricey as KCCC, much less love it (I still like it but have found other products that get me satisfying results). I also NEVER thought I would find drugstore products that I LOVE.

Anyway, I realize that I am having a ball playing with my hair. It is not the length I would like it to be (past my shoulder would be desired). But I am glad that after a year, I am in the right direction. I am not afraid to try different products. Most importantly I am not a slave to my hair. I am letting it do its thing while I work on what I need to do (increase exercise, drink more water, vitamins, correct my diet).

What is up with my hair now? After having a lot of straight hair come out last month, I decided to go back to my wash and go's. I do it daily. I comb though my conditioner, use a shine spray and that's it. On the weekends, I shampoo, deep condition with a cap for about 10-30 minutes, rinse, apply my leave in conditioner and that's it. I no longer use a towel on my hair (except when coloring or when I was at the salon). I have also decided that I will be laying off of the salons. I don't mind spending $$ on products when I have cut back on spending $$ going to the salon.

I have a full and thick hairline, what a difference from my relaxed hair. My hair in the back is thick and growing. I still have straight ends from my last perm. But it all blends in after I style it. I've learned that the most growth I've had was when I stopped using heat. I use products that feel good and give me results. I don't pour over ingredients (not sure how wise that is). I think that most of the commercial products are much superior to the products of back in the day. I also think that depending on your hair and what you want to do, its really an individual choice. My mom used Prell, conditioner, hair grease and sponge rollers on me when growing up. Besides the conditioner, none of these items are recommended for healthy hair even though my hair was really healthy, thick, swinging and past my shoulders.

So whoever is reading this, enjoy, continue to stop by, contribute and share. I look forward to it. Also, do what works for you and don't stress. It is just hair. And to quote Chris Rock, "its whats inside your head that is important". And yes, I saw Good Hair and will write about it soon.

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