Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love and Valentines - lets not confuse them!

Valentine's Day is fun. I think its a day that you can actually reach out to your family and friends just to say 'thanks', i love you, 'i was thinking of you'.

I don't think its a day where you HAVE to go out and get diamonds, huge bouquets of flowers, etc. I think it can be as simple as a hug to your children, a sexy message to your partner, a funny card - that you made!

And not to be mean - but for all of you ladies that do not get anything - don't do that 'ordering your own flowers' nonsense. That is just pathetic and desperate. Just go to the store and buy yourself something nice, go out with friends, reach out to your own family, or give yourself a fun day (light candles, get your hair done, catch some flicks, relax, etc). Don't take this one day so seriously!

Where does the love fit in? You should love and appreciate your people all year round! Such as, surprising your mate with a weekend getaway, take your kids out for pizza, or any other random act of love. If you just wait for valentine's day to do these things then it seems cheesy and planned.

So anyway - enjoy your Valentine's Day!


Twisted Kurlzz said...

I totally agree with you. Why wait until Valentines Day to do something special? Any day can be special. My spouse and I treat it as a normal day, because we always do special things for one another, but some people do take it over board. I guess, to each his own, but as for me and mine, we know how much we love and appreciate one another and we show it everyday to each other and our kids and that's all that matters, so I agree with you.

AJ said...

I am so with you on this. Another good thing to do on Feb 14th is attend or organize a V-Day event. Or even if you can't do that, use the money that you were going to spend on yourself to donate to the cause so that some woman, somewhere will get the help she needs.

Violence against women has to end.